Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Voice of the Boro Security Force

(Circulated on the 19th April 1987)

Once, the powerful and influential Boro community had been ruling in most part of the North Eastern India and they are the sons of the soil of this region and have their distinct civilization. Though the divisive forces are trying to extinguish the distinct and independent civilization of Boro community still they have their own language, cultural-heritage and tradition and form a large, the main constituent element in permanent population of the region. Despite their efforts to establish their distinct civilization and a place in the history of the modern India as well as in the modern history of the world, at present the Boros are socially, economically and politically most backward ethnic group as they are exploited, suppressed and oppressed.

In modern history of Boro community the Assam Kachari Juvok Sonmiloni and the Boro Juvok Sonmiloni submitted a memorandum to the then visiting Simon Commission [1928-29] demanding distinct and independent society out of the Hindu society, to be identified the community as Boro in the census report and a separate designation in Military Service of British India Government for Boros as Boro Regiment, to place the Boro community in the modern history of the world in vain. The Tribal League, which was formed in 1933, successfully pressed the Govt. of India to create 33 Tribal Belts and Blocks with full of loop-holes which are at present mostly encroached by non- tribals. After the independence the Tribal League converted to All Assam Tribal Sangha which is functioning only as an institution of issuing the Caste Certificate.

The Boro Sahitya Sabha – The only Boro literary organisation, which came into being in 1952, revived the Boro language which was on the death – bed. Now the Boro language is the medium of instruction upto the X standard of the Secondary Education, Assam and Major Indian Language in Guwahati University and North Eastern Hills University. The Boros under the banner of the Boro Sahitya Sabha demanded Roman script for their language in 1974-75 Inspite of their peaceful movement 21 lives had been butchered by the Govt. of India and the Devanagiri script was imposed against the feelings and aspirations of the Boros. Why is such a humiliation towards the Boros in the biggest democratic country on Earth? Now the Boro language has been recognized as the Associate State Language in Kokrajher District and Odalguri Sub-Division. But the question is – can the prosperity and survivality of the Boro language be ensured to its fullest extent without the political patronization? Is it not that the Boro language amidst the storm without the political power and homeland of their won? Each and every Boro must keep it in mind that it is only the political power and state of their own, Israel, the Hebrew has become not only the National Language but also spoken in the Knesset (Parliament) where no one spoke in Hebrew before the creation of Israel in 1948.

When the wave was on for the re-organisation of Assam in 1967, few Tribal Leaders, particularly Boro leaders organized the Plains Tribal Council of Assam [PTCA] to demand for autonomy for the plains tribal of Assam. We appreciate the contribution of the PTCA, who instilled political consciousness and unity and solidarity among the Boros. Having enjoyed the political power the leaders of the PTCA distorted from their destination and gave up the idea of autonomy “THE UDAYACHAL” and as a consequent the party splitted into the PTCA and the PTCA [Progressive]. With a view to grabbing opportunity in the Council of Ministers of the Janata Government by pleasing the leaders then the PTCA M.P. Mr. Charan Narzary even went to the extent of saying in the Parliament that the Boros had sacrificed their lives not for Roman script but for Devanagiri script. Now they are playing the politics of bribery dissimulating the antagonism among the Boro Organisation. The PTCA is active and enlivens only during the election season and prejudicially stimulates the outstanding personalities of the Boro society to contest as a candidate of the PTCA and thereof leaving them economically crippled and indebted after election.

As the second split of the PTCA, the United Tribal Nationalist Liberation Front [UTNLF] came into being in 1984. This split had both the positive as well as negative ends. Positive in a sense that the demagogical activities of the PTCA leaders have focused. In the negative sense the illiterate and politically unconscious Boro people are bewildered. The Boro people expected that after the inception of the UTNLF their party would whole-heartedly move for a separate homeland for the tribals where the Boros would be benefited. But they are also playing the politics of bribery. Moreover clasping hands with the non-tribal [The Adibasis and the Nepalese], the UTNLF is demanding for a separate “TRIBAL LAND” and thus leading the nation astray. The leaders are busy with spreading the antagonism as the leaders of PTCA for their political gain.

The All Boro Students’ Union [ABSU], the sole Boro students’ organization, which have been leading the Boro nation to its destination since 1967 has splitted. The formation of a parallel organization with their own constitution and name & style is a democratic right. But some of the leading members of the ABSU splitting from the body have formed a parrallel body to the ABSU have bewildered the Boro People, particularly the Boro students by functioning with the same constitution and name and style of the ABSU, which every Boro vehemently condemns.

The Young Boro Nationalist Association (YBNA), which was formed in 1983 started mobilizing with the Nationalist-socialist spirit, is now defunct.

From the facts cited above we have come to know that not a single organization of Boros have been able to lead the nation towards its destination. We have two political parties-the PTCA and the UTNLF, which believe that separate homeland for the Tribals, will bring solution to the problems of Boros. But the letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, Letter No. 110/12/90/83, NE. Dated 16/10/1984, sent to the PTCA indicates that the area proposed by the PTCA is not geographically contiguous and the Plain Tribal Population does not constitute a majority in the areas, hence a separate homeland for the Plains Tribal in the proposed area is impossible. The leaders of the PTCA and the UTNLF are well aware of the fact that political movement is too insufficient in creating a separate homeland for the tribal, being that both the PTCA and the UTNLF have become mere vote banks for the leaders. They are the demagogues of the Boro Nation.

With distinct and independent identity and civilization our forefathers have laid down our history and destination. Our forefathers, with great efforts and difficulties had cleared the inaccessible forest and settled permanently and were ruled by none but by the Law of Nature. But at present, the Boros are in chain everywhere. The Boros have become the slaves of imperialism and colonialism. Yet till now the bones of our forefathers have been lying in this land. So this is the very hereditary land of the Boros. The Boros have hereditary rights over this Boroland.

So shall we be relying on the demagogues of the PTCA and the UTNLF? The present afflictions of the Boros are also the mistakes that our forefathers to add up the afflictions? What should every Boro do and what should be the responsibility of every Boro to liberate our hereditary Boroland, where the Boros, the sons of the soil can establish their distinct and independent identity and civilization and shall be free from Socio-Politico and Economic exploitation? If the Gorkhas who came to India as the tea labourers and to serve in the British India Gorkha Regiment can fight for Gorkha land, if the Tamils who went to Sri Lanka as the labourer of rubber, coffee and tea plantations can struggle for Tamil Elam, if the people who came from Kashi, Gaya, Brindaban, Kanauj etc. as slaves and priests are ruling over us and have been imposing their spurious Assamese language and culture upon us and if the Bangladeshis, who illegally migrated in Assam, who owe more allegiance to Bangladesh can form a political party like the United Minority Front and have lion’s share in the administration of Assam, why can’t we, the Boros, the sons of the soil, fight for inherited Boroland thereof to establish distinct identity and civilization and to free the Boro community from Socio-Politico and Economic exploitation, suppression, oppression and colonization? This is the day of revolution in the entire North-East India, particularly in Assam, where the United Liberation Front of Assam, Assam People’s Liberation Army, Assamese Liberation Front and Asom Jatiotabadi Juba Chatra Parishad are trying to thwart the Imperialism and Colonialism of Indians and trying to evade the Boro community with Assamese chauvinism.

The Boro Revolutionary Organisation: The Boro Security Force (BSF) – the armed revolutionary organization is the necessary outcome of the circumstance to liberate the hereditary land of the Boros - THE BOROLAND thereof to establish distinct and independent identity and civilization and to free the Boro community from socio-politico, economic exploitation, suppression, oppression and colonization. The BSF aims in maintaining status quo in the socio-economic structure of the Boro society with modernisation, which at present, is under the influence of capitalism. In other words it shall abridge the vast gaps between the haves and the have –nots arising in the Boro society. In a nutshell, the BSF aims in transforming A DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST SOCIETY to promote LIBERTY, EQUALITY and FRATERNITY. The BSF shall always carry out the inspiration and efforts of the Assam Kachari Juvok Sonmiloni and the Boro Juvok Sonmiloni. The history and the objective nature of the Boro society shall be the hope, aspiration and guide of BSF.

Whatsoever, the BSF does not stand against any caste, creed and religion, but one who obstructs on achieving its goal and the Boro leaders who dissimulate antagonism among the Boros for their political advantage leading the nation towards destruction shall be regarded as the enemies and barriers of the Boro nation by the BSF.

“The Boroland Commandoes,” Who are recruited after scrutiny of their revolutionary character, shall form the nucleus of revolutionary forces of the BSF towards achieving its goal.

A CALL FOR ALL BOROS – Let us, therefore, join hands together, fight together and win together. Welcome to all the revolutionary Boros.

“Let us die for Boro nation
Let not Boro nation die for us”.

Voiced by the General Council, BSF.

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